Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Stay in the Race

I had the privilege of attending two different church services this past weekend.  I’m one of those gals that could go to a worship service every day and glean something awesome (that’s for you, Kay.)  

Teaching from Hebrews 11 & 12, one pastor reminded Christians of a choice regarding staying in the race.  Will you be obedient in your faith the same as the “cloud of witnesses” that have gone before you?  Will you stand on that faith as you endure the heartache of trials?  Too many believers are prone to getting out of the race when it becomes hard, monotonous or burdensome. 

To run a serious race, you need to prepare.  Start by laying aside every weight.  Chances are good you carry too much baggage – not only your own, but even stuff that doesn’t belong to you!  You need to stop hauling it around and leave the past behind.  You also need to get rid of the sin in your life.  Yes, those other things (gossip, bad mouth, discouragement, negative thinking, etc.) that can drag you down.  The Message Bible is pretty blunt near the beginning of Hebrews 12:

“Strip-down, start running – and never quit!  No extra spiritual fat, no parasitic sins.  Keep your eyes on Jesus, who both began and finished this race we’re in.  Study how he did it.” 

Now I realize it’s still summer, but don’t be taking off too many items of clothing and running around.  Do, however, strip yourself of anything hindering your motivation. Keep your eyes focused on the prize.  Persevere and live in obedience of faith to Jesus Christ.  This is the ultimate race of your life! 

Monday, August 22, 2011

Random Acts of Kindness

Hello Ladies.  I heard on the radio this morning something about Random Acts of Kindness – and I wanted to encourage you to act on those nudges you’ve been feeling lately.  I’m sure you know what I mean…those times when you see someone in need and in the instant of the decision, you look away.  Unfortunately I was guilty of that just the other day.  I saw a woman in a wheelchair trying to make her way to the restroom in a crowded airport.  Not sure where they airport assistant was, but she was trying to turn those big wheels while holding a purse and another bag on her lap.  She wasn’t elderly and in that instant when I saw her, my mind quickly convinced me she would get where she was going.  Less than ten steps on my journey, I turned back to see a woman offering help and starting to push her.  Shoot.  Forgive me, Lord.  Forgive me when I put my needs – real or imagined – before those of another person.  I love that you have created me to be different and I am saddened when I act normal.

So please use me as an example of what not to do this week (and all weeks thereafter.)   When you feel that nudge – jump on the opportunity to allow the Light of the World to shine brightly through you.  Hold that door open, carry the heavy bag, take the extra steps, offer to babysit, pay for the coffee.  In your everyday circumstances, be alert to the needs of others.  You’ll be so glad you did.
